FAQ: BEDDI Intelligent Alarm Clock. The Smartest Way To Wake Up
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Will you be supporting Lifx Bulbs, Witthings, Apple Home Kit, Wink, Insteon, Emberlight, Dennon Heos, etc

As you can see just from the question, there are TONS of smart home devices now available on the market and we are absolutely exploring each of them to see how open they are for integration. We can say for sure that we will integrate with more than just Phillips Hue, WeMo Switch, and Nest, though it is too early to tell exactly which additional smart home products we will be compatible with. But for now, please let us know “YOUR WISHLIST” to have any additional smart home features so we can consider and try to integrate them into our App before launch. Thanks! Last updated: Tue, Oct 20 2015 9:10 pm EDT

What happens if my Beddi loses power during the night?

In the unfortunate even that there’s a power outage or you forget to pay your electricity bill and they shut you down, we have the option of allowing you to plug in a battery pack in the back of Beddi so it can sustain power during the night. Last updated: Mon, Oct 26 2015 1:59 pm EDT

What happens if my Bluetooth disconnects while I’m sleeping, will my Spotify alarm not play

If your Bluetooth disconnects during the night, Spotify will not be able to play to wake you up in the morning, not to fear however, we will still have a ‘beep beep beep’ sound so you can still wake up on time. This is not much of an issue since Bluetooth is increasingly reliable Last updated: Tue, Oct 20 2015 9:06 pm EDT

What is the “Service” input for on the back of the Beddi

Right now, it’s use for us to update the firmware via USB. It can also be used as a power supply input for those who want to carry it out for awhile. That being said, most of our updates will be to the App itself and we see ourselves very rarely need to do any firmware updates. Last updated: Tue, Oct 20 2015 9:06 pm EDT

Does the Traffic and Weather Reports work only in the US

Definitely not! We expect our weather and traffic reporting to work no matter what country you live. Last updated: Tue, Oct 20 2015 9:06 pm EDT

Can we get the Temperature in Celcius?

Yes! You have the option to customize for Metric or Standard measurements. Last updated: Tue, Oct 20 2015 9:06 pm EDT

Can I change the color of the LED on the Clock Face itself

At the moment, the clock face is only available in soft white (though you can dim it to various levels). Since we have the mood light/night light integrated into the light pipe as well with 16 million colors, we think there’s plenty of customization to create a customized feel for your clock. That being said, we will explore the option of having a more colorful clock face to see if this is able to integrate. Last updated: Tue, Oct 20 2015 9:06 pm EDT

Does the clock face have to dim all the way before bed

Definitely not. If you want your clock face on during the night, you absolutely have that option. And the clock face itself is easily dimmed so you can put it to the brightness you like. Last updated: Tue, Oct 20 2015 9:09 pm EDT

Is a “Spotify Premium” Account needed to be woken up to my songs or is it enough to have a free account?

In order to use the Spotify feature to wake you up, you do in fact need a premium Spotify account. This is not under our control unfortunately, Spotify only allows this if you have a Premium account. However, if you don’t have a premium account, you can still choose music on your phone to be your morning alarm, or FM radio, or standard beep, beep, beep alarm sounds. So we have lots of options to pick from Last updated: Mon, Oct 26 2015 2:03 pm EDT

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